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water propagating brazil philodendron

Houseplants have the remarkable ability to turn any house or apartment into the indoor jungle of your dreams. They warm up any room and are great for the mind, body, and soul. Here at City Floral Garden Center in Denver we like to carry a wide variety of rare and traditional houseplants, so you’ll always find just what you are looking for.

Often times we’ll get questions about how to propagate houseplants and that topic REALLY brings out our inner plant nerd. Houseplant propagation can be a great way to multiply your houseplants but can be a daunting task that doesn’t always result in success. We certainly encourage everyone who is a houseplant enthusiast to give propagation a try, it can really help you learn more about your plants. Plus, the act of creating a new plant from an existing plant it just plain exciting!

Depending on the type of plant, you’ll use one of several propagation methods. The most common propagation methods are dividing, rooting a leaf, or rooting a cutting. Whichever method you choose, multiplying your houseplants will be an exciting learning experience.   

dividing zz plant corms

Dividing houseplants is exactly what you’d think it is—dividing one plant into two or more. The best time to divide your houseplants is spring because they have come out of their rest and are ready to start growing again. The easiest plants to divide are those that naturally produce offsets like spider plants or sansevierias.

Steps to dividing houseplants:

Sansevieria pup growing
Sansevieria pup

Plants that you can divide:
ZZ Plants
Peace Lily

rooting a succulent leaf propagation

Rooting from a leaf can be tricky because you must make sure that you get a clean cut from the existing plant. Generally, let the leaf dry out so the cut scabs over so it won’t absorb a lot of moisture when you water it. The best plants to root from a leaf are sansevierias and a wide variety of succulents including jade plants. No matter what, rooting a leaf will take some trial and error and not every leaf will successfully root.

Steps to rooting a leaf:

Propagating a Leaf

Plants that can be propagated from leaves:
Jade Plants
ZZ Plants

rooted cuttings how to propagate houseplants in water

Propagating a new plant from a cutting can be done in one of two ways—either in water or in soil. Either way is effective in propagation, although putting your cutting in water and watching the roots grow is quite satisfying! Some of the easiest plants to root from a stem cutting are pothos or spider plants.

Steps to rooting from a stem cutting:

Plants that can be propagated from stem cutting:
Chinese Evergreen

Which houseplant are you most excited to try to propagate? Share with us on Instagram or Facebook and tag @cityfloralgardencenter or in the comments below!

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