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Social Distance Gardening and 6 Ways It Will Help Your Mood

Social distance is the term of 2020, but we think another term should have more momentum—Social Distance Gardening. Social distance gardening can help shed those social distancing woes because spending time outdoors is arguably one of the best ways to improve our mental and physical well-being.  Gardening may help reduce anxiety, stress, and increase your general mood. Right now, we all could use a little stress and anxiety relief!

What is it about gardening that causes people to have such a positive reaction? Well, here’s 6 reasons why. 

Young Boy Plants Vegetables in his social distance garden

You’re outside. Probably the biggest reason for the boost in mood is there is nothing better than being outside on a warm sunny day. The blue sky, sunshine and the sounds of birds chirping are great for our mental and physical health—so get outside! 

You’re creating something. Positive moods and creating go hand in hand. When we create something like growing plants, making plant boxes or painting pots with our hands, we are given a sense of pride and satisfaction that increases mood into the positive spectrum. 

Planting Peas in the social distance garden
Growing Plants can help increase mood

You get out of your head. Oftentimes, we get stuck into our own heads and get lost in the chatter that surrounds us. Gardening can put you into a “flow” that allows us to shut down outside influencers. We actually become more mindful and have the ability to stay in the present.

You learn a skill. Learning a new skill or starting a new hobby can boost your mood all together. Trust us, if you’re a new gardener there’s a lot to learn and we’re happy to help steer you in the right direction with all the garden supplies you’ll need

You get to connect with the Earth. Ok we understand this may seem a little on the hippie side, but it’s absolutely going to boost your mood. When we garden, we start to understand a little more about mother nature and appreciate the time it takes to grow something. From the beneficial insects, to watching a plant grow, to creating something beautiful and sustaining that can brighten your day and everyone else’s day too!

Ready to get started in creating your own Social Distance Garden? Stop into City Floral Garden Center and we can help you navigate between veggie starters, seeding, soils and composts, or just picking the right flowers and perennials for your garden!

What are your plans for your garden this year? Share with us on Facebook or Instagram at @cityfloralgardencenter

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